
[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]我觉得这本paper towns 全书最搞笑的就是这里了,金句频发,I feel like I might start crying,and that I’m going to cry pee。在车里内急死了,对于拿个饮料瓶子pee 的描写,尿了还说the longer you wait,the better it feels [允悲][允悲][允悲]完了一个瓶子不够装

It’s a pity that I cannot read it in my high school. I haven’t read any of Whitman’s poems,but the the bell jar I have read.
One star for the humor of this book. Although this story is idealized ,Margo is really cool whom everyone wants to become ,and there’s no possibility you could make a decision on it.
I feel no boring in reading it. This contrasts with my reading of since you’ve been gone which is somewhat similar

这本paper towns 就是迷惘的少年青春史,表面上寻找女主Margo ,类似等待戈多的寓意?其实就是一种内心的反抗挣扎,对循规蹈矩的生活常态的内心不安焦灼,每个人都有过的青春,高中毕业未来路在何方……

